2025 Examination Info
We are so glad you have decided to do exams. These are such an important and valuable part of the development of any young dancer. And even more than the development of them as a young performer, it is so valuable as an experience for students to learn discipline, work ethics and confidence. *Exam dates and timetable to be confirmed, they will be sometime in June.
MOCK EXAMS will be held between the 19th-22nd May in normal class time this year - this is a good run through for the students and a chance for our head teachers to check over the work and technique. *Please see the table below to check if your child/'s class is doing an exam or in-house assessment.
IN-HOUSE ASSESSMENTS will be held between the 19th-22nd May in normal class time this year - this is a good opportunity to check on their progress, assess areas that can be worked on and encourage the strengths and confidence of our students.There will be a written report per student. *Please see the table below to check if your child/'s class is doing an exam or in-house assessment.
Aspire Uniforms specific to the class genre are also compulsory.
Please contact us if you are unsure of your student's class Level - manager@aspirearts.co.nz
Keep working hard but remember that here at ASPIRE we believe exams should be an experience to enjoy. All the best!!!